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"Mad Momma" 1:35 scale Adult Sauroposeidon

"Mad Momma" 1:35 scale Adult Sauroposeidon

Preisab 295,00$
exkl. MwSt.


This model kit depicts an adult mother Sauroposeidon at the moment when she realizes that her baby is being attacked by a pair of acrocanthosauruses.  This can be displayed alone, or along side the companion diorama: "Don't Count Your Chickens."  


The "Don't Count Your Chickens" diorama depicts the moment when a serene walk along the beachside is interrupted by the violent assault of two young adult acrocanthosaurs. "Baby Girl", the juvenile Saurposeidon finds herself flanked by two ravenous theropods attempting to strafe her. One goes for the leg, while the other tries a second go at her shoulders. Baby Girl kicks out, pushing the one away from her body, which causes her to begin to lose balance. She may fall to her right, jeopardizing the other offender's life. Even if he can escape, Baby Girl's mother has been alerted to her daughter's plight. Maybe these two have bitten off more than they can chew... and it might be a lesson not to count their chickens before they hatch!


These kits are a unique portrayal of paleontologists' belief (based on fossilized trackways) that the acroncanthosaurs would flank and attack young saurposeidons in an attempt to injure them. They might have tried to injure the suaroposeidons enough so that they would succumb to their injuries over a short amount of time. They would do this because it would have been nearly impossible for them to have taken down the giant prey. Paleontologists suspect that the acros would then track the wounded sauros until they died from blood loss and exhaustion.


This model features the sauropod genus: Sauroposeidon.  Sauroposeidon (SOR-o-po-SY-dən) means "lizard earthquake god", after the Greek god Poseidon.  It is a genus of sauropod dinosaur known from several incomplete specimens, including a bone bed and fossilized trackways found in the U.S. states of Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Texas.


Learn more about Sauroposeidon Here.


Our Sauroposeidons sport a highly speculative wattle.  A wattle is a fleshy caruncle hanging from various parts of the head or neck in several groups of birds and mammals. Caruncles in birds include those found on the face, wattles, dewlaps, snoods, and earlobes.  


While only the male of most bird species sport wattles, there are several bird species within which the female also has a wattle.  Examples are the Helmeted Guineafowl, the Greater Prairie Chicken, and the Long-Wattled Umbrella Bird. 


Wattles can be employed to help reduce body heat (via convection), so Matt saw it fitting to don his Sauroposeidons with wattles- creatures of such mass might have used a wattle's heat dissipating qualities to great effect.  


Printed in durable impact resistasnt resin.


Scale: 1:35

Other available sizes: Custom: Contact us


*Kit colors vary. The actual model may be grey, blue, beige, tan, or white.


Paint by Ancient Era Artistry is available upon request.


Ancient Era Artistry makes highly accurate, realistic "scientifically possible" dinosaur figures and dioramas.  all of the ANCIENT ERA ARTISTRY modern paleoart model kits are sculpted by Matt Ramieri.  His kits are rigorously researched, and with every species he sculpts, he makes it his mission to make each character as scientifically viable as possible. He calls his work "Scientifically Possible."  

Matt includes all the known facts and most up-to-date scientific data to breathe life into the fauna of pre-history. Alternately, Ramieri believes that each character should have a personality... an identity that reflects everything from the brutal and tumultuous lives these creatures were forced to live to the freedom and fancy of young beasts at play. Matt means to fill in the gaps between the pages of scientific journals with this philosophical point of view, and he drives the path of speculation with the creative freedom of a character designer.  

Each model produced by Ancient Era Artistry is 3d print prototyped by LFS (low force stereolithography), high-resolution resin printing technology. They are printed at a staggering .025 mm layer height.  Each model consists of thousands of layers often approaching ( or in excess of ) 10,000 layers!


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©2022 von Ancient Era Artistik. 

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