Hi there, my name is David. Owner and designer of Nova Studios.
Ever since I was little I was always fascinated about dinosaurs and was always in awe when I went to a museum seeing all the skeletons on display, wishing I could take one home with me.
Fast forward 25 years, I purchased my first 3D printer after a lot of tinkering and learning I got into 3D modelling. I had some experience in drawing portraits, but 3D modeling is a whole new ball game. Finally, after a lot of practice, I was getting better at it (thanks Youtube).
I never got over my dinosaur facination, so I was remembering how in awe I was when I was little, and started wondering “would it be possible to create my own dinosaur”? After a lot of research and talking to paleonthologists, I got a hold of some CT scans of actual fossils and well, here we are. Or as my 10 year old self would say “Welcome to Jurass… I mean Nova Studios”.
Ancient Era Artistry presents:
Nova Studios.
These works are created by Nova Studios, and 3d printed and shipped by
Ancient era artistry.
Standard sizes match those establisehd by Nova Studios, but we can print them for you at any scale. For custom sizes contact us at: info@ancienteraart.com