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Resolute in his control over that which he surveys, Omar is a fierce and indomitable opponent (as one would expect from a nearly forty-foot-long tyrannosaur).

A scent in the air.
Stirred awake from the edge of deep slumber, the gargantuan archosaur mustered the required effort to leverage himself onto his feet. The offending object, a distinct alien odor, was still tickling the lobe of his nare. Cautious yet confident in his dominion, Omar raised his snout to the air and began to map the origin of the "frumious" fragrance.
COuld the scent at its source have been some kind of succulent sustenance? A temptingly toothsome triceratops tike, or perhaps a palatably prone Prenocephale? No.
No creature of prey would poke around Omar's domain. Repeated sampling roused a whistful whiff. All in one moment Omar recognized the donor of the distinct smell. An old rival as formidable and fierce as any he had experienced in his life's extended tour of duty. It wAS La Tore, the tYRANNOSAUR he had sequestered this territory from long ago. shE IS BACK, AND SHE DOES NOT SMELL HAPPY.
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