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Ancient era artistry is about creating and delivering the most engaging, impressive, dynamic, and exciting paleoart dinosaur sculptures. My goal is for ancient era models to be the first to capture a viewer's attention amid any vast premium dinosaur model collection. While that is a lofty pursuit in today's rich paleoart arena, that ambitious goal drives me and keeps my eye on the prize. I am constantly checking and re-checking my work. By the time i am willing to debut a model in its final state, I have spent so many hours researching and sculpting that I know the subject intimately, and the sculpture itself has become an extension of my being. Like my kids or my pup, Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex Ramieri), my models are a piece of me and will forever be as close to me as family.
It brings me untold joy to be able to offer my vision to the world, and that joy is only trumped by my appreciation for you, the collector who deems my work valuable enough to give it a place in your coveted collection.
Ancient Era Artistry 制作高度准确、逼真、“科学上可能”的恐龙人物和立体模型。 所有 ANCIENT ERA ARTISTRY 现代古艺术模型套件均由 Matt Ramieri 雕刻。_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 他的工具包是经过严格的研究,他雕刻的每一个物种,他的使命是让每个角色尽可能在科学上可行。他称他的工作为“科学上可能的”。
马特包括所有已知的事实和最新的科学数据,为史前动物群注入生命。或者,Ramieri 认为每个角色都应该有一个个性……一个反映一切的身份,从这些生物被迫生活的残酷和动荡的生活到玩耍的年轻野兽的自由和幻想。马特的意思是用这种哲学观点填补科学期刊页面之间的空白,他以角色设计师的创作自由推动了猜测的道路。
Ancient Era Artistry 制作的每个模型都是由高分辨率树脂打印技术 LFS(低力立体光刻)制作的 3d 打印原型。它们以惊人的 0.025 毫米层高打印。 每个模型由数千层组成,通常接近(或超过)10,000 层!
马特坚持最高分辨率,以便在最终产品中实现他无数小时辛勤耕耘的最精细细节。 3D 打印过程不仅可以产生传统粘土无法获得的微小细节,而且还可以制作出无法在成型和铸造过程中幸存下来的精致、复杂的零件。像微小的牙齿和爪子这样的超精细细节必须被增肥才能在成型过程中幸存下来,并制造出足够突出的空隙以供铸造液态树脂填充。这使得“卡通”几乎成为了原本美丽而细致的作品的服装版本。
所以,在 Ancient Era Artistry,所有这些精美的细节都是 3D 打印的。 我们确实通过模制和铸造某些模型的某些部分来降低成本。如果零件中的细节在成型和铸造过程中很容易保留,我们就会这样做,并且我们会分离、移除和打印不容易铸造的细节。我们不会使用此过程来妥协细节;我们这样做只是为了在不影响模型套件的美观和复杂性的情况下降低成本。
在其他情况下,例如像失蜡铸件这样的雕塑铸件,为制作蜡铸件而创建的模具在该版本中的最后一件作品被铸造后被破坏。在许多情况下(因为失蜡雕塑的生产成本非常高),每个版本的编号都是按订单制作的,模具一直保留到最后一件(即 50 件限量版中的 50 件)铸造完成。
在古代艺术中,我们制作数字雕刻并通过 3D 打印实现的艺术品。虽然我们对一些零件进行了模制,但模具与我们复制艺术品的能力几乎没有关系。我们可以快速生产出任何作品以永久保存。
在 Ancient Era Artistry,我们在此宣誓,任何指定的限量版将仅限于其上指定的数量,可能添加/例外的艺术家样张不超过五张。见下方艺术家样张的解释。
并非所有古代艺术生产的模型都是限量版。通常我们的限量版仅适用于 1:20 及以上的比例(较小的数字是较大的雕塑,因此“以上”在数字上是指以下。例如:1:40 的比例小于 1:20,因此它不会是限量版。1:15 高于 1:20,因此将是限量版。)这条规则可能有例外。但是,所有限量版车型都将如此标记,并在显着位置显示总数。它还将出现在模型本身上,并带有一个数字,表示它在该版本中代表的单个零件。该编号将在订购版本时按顺序打印。该数字集将在以下示例中表示:
第四次,即版本的第四次印刷将在模型上表示为 4/50。 “4”代表将要生产的 50 份印刷品中的第四份。
每个限量版仅适用于该特定音阶。因此,1:20 比例的“双胞胎”模型是限量版 50 个。如果已售出 20 个,则只能再打印 30 个。但是,这并不影响 1:15 比例的“孪生”版本存在或正在生产的可能性。那将构成它自己的一套 50 件。
每件限量版作品都将附有由古代艺术制作并由艺术家马特·拉米里 (Matt Ramieri) 签名的真品证书。该证书将证明您的作品在该版本中所代表的唯一编号,并将证明您是 M. Ramieri 的正宗古代古艺术模型的所有者。
艺术家的证明(表示为 ap)是一个小集合,作为限量版的限量版数量的例外。通常,ap 的目的是允许以下之一:
- 这通常是在美术版画中,必须在板或块上进行修改,然后在纸上打印以纪念该版本。
ap 2/5
我们不这样做,并在此发誓,古代艺术制作的任何版本都只会有 5 个 'ap's。
在其他情况下,例如像失蜡铸件这样的雕塑铸件,为制作蜡铸件而创建的模具在该版本中的最后一件作品被铸造后被破坏。在许多情况下(因为失蜡雕塑的生产成本非常高),每个版本的编号都是按订单制作的,模具一直保留到最后一件(即 50 件限量版中的 50 件)铸造完成。
在古代艺术中,我们制作数字雕刻并通过 3D 打印实现的艺术品。虽然我们对一些零件进行了模制,但模具与我们复制艺术品的能力几乎没有关系。我们可以快速生产出任何作品以永久保存。
在 Ancient Era Artistry,我们在此宣誓,任何指定的限量版将仅限于其上指定的数量,可能添加/例外的艺术家样张不超过五张。见下方艺术家样张的解释。
并非所有古代艺术生产的模型都是限量版。通常我们的限量版仅适用于 1:20 及以上的比例(较小的数字是较大的雕塑,因此“以上”在数字上是指以下。例如:1:40 的比例小于 1:20,因此它不会是限量版。1:15 高于 1:20,因此将是限量版。)这条规则可能有例外。但是,所有限量版车型都将如此标记,并在显着位置显示总数。它还将出现在模型本身上,并带有一个数字,表示它在该版本中代表的单个零件。该编号将在订购版本时按顺序打印。该数字集将在以下示例中表示:
第四次,即版本的第四次印刷将在模型上表示为 4/50。 “4”代表将要生产的 50 份印刷品中的第四份。
每个限量版仅适用于该特定音阶。因此,1:20 比例的“双胞胎”模型是限量版 50 个。如果已售出 20 个,则只能再打印 30 个。但是,这并不影响 1:15 比例的“孪生”版本存在或正在生产的可能性。那将构成它自己的一套 50 件。
每件限量版作品都将附有由古代艺术制作并由艺术家马特·拉米里 (Matt Ramieri) 签名的真品证书。该证书将证明您的作品在该版本中所代表的唯一编号,并将证明您是 M. Ramieri 的正宗古代古艺术模型的所有者。
艺术家的证明(表示为 ap)是一个小集合,作为限量版的限量版数量的例外。通常,ap 的目的是允许以下之一:
- 这通常是在美术版画中,必须在板或块上进行修改,然后在纸上打印以纪念该版本。
ap 2/5
我们不这样做,并在此发誓,古代艺术制作的任何版本都只会有 5 个 'ap's。

Parts with supports attached
在其他情况下,例如像失蜡铸件这样的雕塑铸件,为制作蜡铸件而创建的模具在该版本中的最后一件作品被铸造后被破坏。在许多情况下(因为失蜡雕塑的生产成本非常高),每个版本的编号都是按订单制作的,模具一直保留到最后一件(即 50 件限量版中的 50 件)铸造完成。
在古代艺术中,我们制作数字雕刻并通过 3D 打印实现的艺术品。虽然我们对一些零件进行了模制,但模具与我们复制艺术品的能力几乎没有关系。我们可以快速生产出任何作品以永久保存。
在 Ancient Era Artistry,我们在此宣誓,任何指定的限量版将仅限于其上指定的数量,可能添加/例外的艺术家样张不超过五张。见下方艺术家样张的解释。
并非所有古代艺术生产的模型都是限量版。通常我们的限量版仅适用于 1:20 及以上的比例(较小的数字是较大的雕塑,因此“以上”在数字上是指以下。例如:1:40 的比例小于 1:20,因此它不会是限量版。1:15 高于 1:20,因此将是限量版。)这条规则可能有例外。但是,所有限量版车型都将如此标记,并在显着位置显示总数。它还将出现在模型本身上,并带有一个数字,表示它在该版本中代表的单个零件。该编号将在订购版本时按顺序打印。该数字集将在以下示例中表示:
第四次,即版本的第四次印刷将在模型上表示为 4/50。 “4”代表将要生产的 50 份印刷品中的第四份。
每个限量版仅适用于该特定音阶。因此,1:20 比例的“双胞胎”模型是限量版 50 个。如果已售出 20 个,则只能再打印 30 个。但是,这并不影响 1:15 比例的“孪生”版本存在或正在生产的可能性。那将构成它自己的一套 50 件。
每件限量版作品都将附有由古代艺术制作并由艺术家马特·拉米里 (Matt Ramieri) 签名的真品证书。该证书将证明您的作品在该版本中所代表的唯一编号,并将证明您是 M. Ramieri 的正宗古代古艺术模型的所有者。
艺术家的证明(表示为 ap)是一个小集合,作为限量版的限量版数量的例外。通常,ap 的目的是允许以下之一:
- 这通常是在美术版画中,必须在板或块上进行修改,然后在纸上打印以纪念该版本。
ap 2/5
我们不这样做,并在此发誓,古代艺术制作的任何版本都只会有 5 个 'ap's。
Why are the model kits so expensive?
putting aside the value of the finite nature of ancient era artistry's limited edition pieces (which will never be reproduced once exhausted), Ancient Era Artistry models are made by hand by the artist. Matt spends a tremendous amount of time in their development and execution. Each digital sculpture takes in the neighborhood of 100+ hours to research and sculpt. Every manner of tiny detail including correct muscle placement, correct flexion and extension, boney landmarks, scales, wrinkles, facial expressions, wounds, pathologies, poses, environments, and dynamic compositions are all deeply considered, researched, and labored over. Add to that, Matt spends even more time devising and executing the "cut" ( the way the model is sectioned and keyed for build-up), then printing and troubleshooting until a successful master prototype is realized.
Dan, from Dan's Dinosaurs (a distributor of Ancient Era Artistry models), put it best:
"They (the models) represent the artist's uncompromising vision of the subject, focused on the aesthetics and science without having to please marketing teams or business executives.
The artist can take their time to add layers of depth, blending, and specialized attention that is typically found only in world-class museum exhibits.
Their (the model's) pricing reflects the outstanding quality and craftsmanship of the model. Resin models capture details in a crisper, sharper manner than most mass-produced figures."
Add to that, 3d printed resin models require the use of very expensive resins, machines, and consumable parts. To get the best prints, you must use the best machinery and material available, and that is exactly what Ancient Era Artistry is all about. We are no venture capitalist firm with a 400% return on investment. Our margins are pretty thin. we aim for 40% (give or take) before any available discounts, promotions, or pre-order pricing.
Digital DOwnload License information
license by thinkloudly Creative LLC. D.B.A. Ancient era artistry (AEA)
The thinkloudly Private use license - Private Use license is applied to all designs on the site.
as a consumer You are authorized to:
Print and use the 3D prints of the 3D model for private use, in unlimited quantity;
Share the images of your 3D prints of the 3D model on communication media such as social networks or websites.
What is not allowed:
No commercial use or public sharing of the 3D model;
No modification or adaptation of the 3D model for public sharing or sale;
No distribution, sale, donation or exchange of the digital files of the 3D model.
The Private Use license grants an unlimited, non-exclusive, worldwide license to print and use a 3D model from its 3D digital files downloadable from Thinkloudly creative DBA: Ancient Era Artistry for private use for as long as this license is in effect on the licensed 3D model.
When you exercise the rights granted by the license (defined below), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this thinkloudly - Private Use license. To the extent that this License may be construed as a contract, you receive the rights granted by the License in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the designer(s) grants you those rights in consideration of the benefits of making the 3D digital files of the licensed 3D model available to you under these terms and conditions.
Section 1 - Definitions
A 3D Model is the result of 3D modeling, the process of developing a three-dimensional representation of animated or living objects and surfaces.
The licensed 3D model means the 3D model for which the designer(s) uses this license.
a 3D digital file means a digital representation of a 3D model, in the form of a digital file downloadable from ThinkLoudly in formats such as, but not limited to, STL, OBJ or 3DS.
A 3D print means a physical printed version of a 3D model from a 3D digital file uploaded to the AEA site.
the designer(s) means the copyright holder and author(s) of the licensed 3D model.
The licensed rights means the rights granted to you under the terms and conditions of use set forth in this license, limited to the copyright applicable to your use of the licensed 3D model and which the designer(s) has the right to grant.
The term “share” means to make available to the public by any means or process that requires authorization under the licensed rights, such as reproduction, public performance, distribution, broadcast, communication or importation, including in such a way that anyone may access it from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
The term “you” (licensee) refers to any individual or entity exercising the rights granted by the license. The terms “your” and “yours” also refer to the licensee.
Article 2 - Scope of this license
Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of use of this license, the designer(s) authorize(s) you to exercise for the whole world, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, the rights granted by the license all the time this license is applied on the site Cults in order to :
reproduce 3D prints of the licensed 3D model, in whole or in part, for private and personal use;
make available to the public through communication media such as social networks or websites the images of your 3D prints of the licensed 3D model.
Article 3 - Terms of use of this license
If you share images of your 3D prints, you must :
identify the designer(s) of the licensed 3D model as M., Matt, Matthew Ramieri, Ancient Era Artistry, or ThinkLoudly Creative LLC. or other posted designer.
submit a URI or hyperlink to the licensed 3D model.
This license does not include permissions:
for selling, distributing, sharing, donating, exchanging, copying, modifying or adapting the licensed 3D model;
for the sale, distribution, sharing, donation, exchange, copying, modification or adaptation of the 3D digital files of the licensed 3D model.
Article 4 - Limitations of Warranty and Disclaimers
Unless otherwise specified, this license does not include any warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any express, implied, statutory or other warranty with respect to this license.
Article 5 - Duration and termination
This license applies for as long as it is in effect on the licensed 3D model on the AEA website.
Failure to comply with the obligations of this license shall automatically result in the revocation of the rights granted by this license.